Sunday, April 19, 2009

Your Anger is Your Ego Working Overtime!

Your Anger is Your Ego Working Overtime!

You've been standing in line for 1/2 an hour
waiting to be seated at a table for lunch that
you only have a 1 hour time slot for.


Someone just cut you off while driving
making you swerve to miss hitting them.


You have 5 minutes to get to work
and there is a traffic back up that
makes it impossible to be there for at least
another 20 minutes.

These are all scenarios of what causes us to get frustrated and even angry. I am sure you can think of a few yourself that causes that little rage monkey to rear it's head. However, have you stopped to contemplate exactly why anger exists or comes out ?

Each and every one of us has been raised with a set of values and morals. Some of us are fortunate enough to also have instilled in us some spiritual values. Whatever it is, you at an early age, were taught what is acceptable and what is deemed not acceptable. We are taught to be proud of our accomplishments. The list goes on and differs from family to family.
As human beings we have set limits and boundaries on almost everything.

Seems wonderful right ? Well you decide for yourself.
From this we are also taught in a more subtle way, not to accept others ways of being.
Can you not remember as a child, being told not to associate with this person or that one because of how they behave or are because of their parents? While sometimes it's for good cause i.e.. safety issues, more times than not it's because of a lack of understanding for another's lifestyle.
This is what brings out EGO to the forefront.
We learn our way is the right way with no room for anyone else's way.
As we grow we learn not to take it so literally, however it stays in our subconscious.
Residual effects.
Our ego begins to behave on a subconscious level and anger takes over.
When we are offended isn't it because we wouldn't treat someone that way, so why would they treat us that way ?
Isn't that ego ?
The anger comes out, as a result of whatever the offense to our moral and value upbringing goes against.
You can change that.
No it's not simple because for many of us we have had years of it..
My example is I would get angry over my feelings being hurt, because I wouldn't intentionally hurt anyone. If my character was bashed, that would send me reeling because again, it's not what I would do to anyone.
This is ego working it's magic into anger.

Once I began to understand this, I started to accept that each person has the right to live with whatever morals or values
they inherited from their family. It took away my judging, hence ego started to be removed, strange enough so did the anger.

Understanding where anger comes from is the first steps into removing it from your energy and spirit.

© DÃ¥rla The Spiritual Place 2008

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